Entries by R Steven

Scripts, Day 2

DAY 2 Tuesday Objective:  Six Steps to Effective Prospecting Imagine a prospecting system that can generate 50-1500 prospects per month. Impossible, you say? Your current prospecting program generates only a fraction of that number of appointments, and you’ve used everything. By implementing lead generation systems and utilizing technology you will have the ability to generate more […]

Scripts, Day 3

DAY 3 Wednesday Objective: Everything You Need to Know for Effective Roll Playing How to Implement Role Playing! Have you ever implemented new tools and techniques – and found difficulty changing habit patterns? Have you ever exposed yourself to correct methods – and found that you just weren’t doing what you’d been taught? Have you […]

Scripts, Day 4

DAY 4 Thursday Objective:​​​ Leading Questions & Qualifying Questions; Test Closings Leading Questions The three reasons people move forward with the decision to buy a home are: location, price and motivation. Once you have established all three of these, they are ready to sign. The best way to recall a question is to use word association. For example, […]

Business Plan, Day 5

DAY 5 Friday Objective:  Scheduling Your Best Day Ever What gets scheduled gets DONE! Too many times we Realtors we let URGENT outweigh the IMPORTANT. Nothing is more important that the 3 priorities you set. When your day isn’t designed there is way too much DRAMA! If it’s not on your schedule it doesn’t exist […]

Social Media, Day 1

Weekly Objective: Maximizing your online reach for minimal cost. Monday: Setting Up Social Media Accounts Tuesday: Creating a Cohesive Online Presence Wednesday: Landing Page & Let’s Chat Websites Thursday: Social Media Tips Friday: Social Media Scheduling Online, Mobile, and Social Media… Like it or not, it’s a necessary part of business nowadays. Millennial’s comprise the largest segment of home […]

Open Houses, Day 2

DAY 2 Tuesday’s Objective: To become an expert on the home you will be sitting and the area in which the property is located. Knowing the Home: Ask the listing agent to walk the house with you and point out the house specifics, features, improvements, upgrades, plumbing, electrical, heating, roof, etc. Get ALL the information, […]

Working with Sellers, Day 5

DAY 5 Friday’s Objective: Nuts and bolts of putting the home on the market. There’s a lot of little steps to putting a home on the market. We’ve developed a checklist for you to follow to make sure you don’t miss anything. Follow this checklist every time you list a new home, happy selling! Action Item: […]

Working with Sellers, Day 4

DAY 4 Thursday’s Objective: Helping your seller prep the property for the market. Remove Personal Decorations There will be many different types of people looking at your home when it is listed for sale. To encourage the most positive feedback, it’s best to create a neutral environment. The best way to do this is to remove […]

Working with Sellers, Day 3

DAY 3 Wednesday’s Objective: Completing and Customizing Your Listing Presentation. It’s now time to customize your listing presentation! You have free access to Silvercreek’s customizable listing presentation, login to the Silvercreek Toolbox and click on Documents. Scroll to the ‘Prospecting & Marketing’ section and check out the listing presentation. It’s important to add or delete info and […]

Working with Sellers, Day 2

DAY 2 Tuesday’s Objective: Understanding the purpose of the listing presentation. The key to a successful presentation is to understand that the Seller is only concerned with the following 5 questions: How are you going to get us the most money for our home? How much time is it going to take? Have you done it […]