Scripts, Day 1
Monday Objective: Introduction; Scripts to Dialogues Calling Makes a Difference; Tips on working with Buyers and Prospecting
When was the last time something really excited you? Excited you so much that you couldn’t wait to share it with someone else? Many times, things that are simple in nature and very often, things that are obvious generate this reaction. The ideas in this manual will appeal to your commonsense as well as the people you talk to.
When you take the time and energy to implement ideas and concepts, you’re trusting those ideas will work. The idea of bringing the prospecting and buying process together is nothing new. People have talked about it for years.
That is exactly our point! They have talked about it. The most successful Real Estate Agents as well as the most successful Mortgage Lenders in the country are using our scripts and dialogues. The purpose of this book is to assist you in getting more appointments and closing more sales.
Success or failure is not dependent on luck, circumstances, fate or who got a good break. It is a matter of following a commonsense guideline anybody can use.
SUCCESS does depend on our ATTITUDE
Our attitude tells the world what we expect. We can have goals, but before the goal we have to have a vision. It is this vision that has let you achieve the success you have. It is because of your accomplishments in the industry that we want to work with you.
Let’s face it success is drawn to success.
To become successful in prospecting you have to develop patience and understanding of the amount of time to complete the cycle. Just because you don’t see immediate results, doesn’t mean that your prospecting is not working or that you are not making progress.
You can watch your progress, and when you make that sale you can see that all those phone calls were worth it. As salespeople we want to see immediate results from our action, sometimes it takes time. It is critical that we never stop prospecting because we haven’t generated a good lead. Success will come when you maintain prospecting intensity.
“Feeling guilty about not prospecting takes more energy than the actual prospecting”
The only way you are going to become good at prospecting is to practice, practice, practice. We recommend that you role-play scripts at least one hour a day, five days a week. It is always a good idea to have an accountability partner. We suggest someone on your team or another agent. When you have an accountability partner that you do this with, chances are, you will do the role playing. When you have memorized the script check it off! A habit is something you do without thinking; let these scripts become a habit for you.
Scripts to Dialogues
A script is a tool that gives you the most effective way to tele-prospect. It has structure and will let your prospect know the purpose of your call. The reason it is called a script is because it is written by an expert. The script should be practiced over and over until you know the message, the correct way to proceed with your prospecting calls. Once you have mastered the script, it is time to put it into your own dialogue. Add your personality but be sure to keep the message clear.
Build Rapport and Work No More!
It is extremely important for you to build immediate rapport with everyone you talk to. Nobody likes a pushy salesperson!
Answer & Ask OR Acknowledge & Ask
In order to maintain control of all conversations, it is important to follow this rule.
Always answer a question and immediately ask another
Always acknowledge a statement and immediately ask a question
Transition phrases
These phrases are used to control the conversation and lead the caller to a place you want to go.
Just out of curiosity…
By the way…
Filler phrases
These phrases are used to gather information you need to control the conversation and lead the caller to a place you want to go.
Could you tell me about…?
Could you tell me if…?
Oh really?
Does that sound fair?
Use these phrases to keep your client agreeing with the truth and moving forward in the home buying and selling process. The responses are obvious conclusions. For example: (Repeating back to the customer what they are looking for):
Let me get this right, you are looking for a 3-bedroom house, that’s right isn’t it?
That makes sense, doesn’t it?
I’m sure you understand!
That’s right, isn’t it?
You can see that, can’t you?
The phone has always been, is and will always be the number one sales tool. BTW, this DOES include texting BUT not exclusively. Other humans crave interaction with other humans. Sometimes an actual phone call makes all the difference. You can hear a real person and make an emotional and intellectual connection.
Calling Makes A Difference: Weekly Calls (That Add Value)
- Sellers
- Buyers: Active and B & C
- Closed Buyers
- Active Referral Sources
- Info Line Calls
- Anniversaries
- Birthdays
- Sphere of Influence
- Market Update
- Have’s and Wants
12 Things Customers Want From You
- Care and Concern
- Honesty
- Knowledge
- Stay in Touch
- Make it Easier
- Make it Faster
- Save Time / Money
- Problem Solver
- Promise / Deliver
- Consistency
- Handle any Crisis
- Success
Making Calls
- Salutation
- Find Common Ground
- Purpose of My Call is….
- Get Your Information
- End on Common Ground
- 7 to 9 Minutes Minimum
Tips on working with Buyers and Prospecting
By following the tips below, you will be able to serve more clients, more effectively in less time.
- Listen, Listen, Listen Build Rapport
- Answer and Ask Mirroring
- Let them talk Use leading Questions
- Do it consistently Do it often
Action Items:
- Practice your dialogs and scripts with a fellow agent, family or friend.
- REMEMBER – Keep up with your 5-5-5-5 Prospecting!
- Secrets of a Top Listing Agent
- Set Yourself Apart in the Marketplace
- Buyer Efficiency Scripts and Workbook
- Cold Calling Script
- Real Estate Prospecting COI Scripts