Entries by R Steven

New Construction, Day 3

DAY 3 WEDNESDAY’S OBJECTIVE:  New Construction Hurdles Today we want to help you avoid potential pitfalls when dealing with new construction. Setting expectations are key. Items specifically to pay attention to are contract dates, financing, and making sure you get paid! Selling new-construction isn’t without its own set of unique hurdles, all of which can prove […]

New Construction, Day 4

DAY 4 THURSDAY’S OBJECTIVE:  The 3 Types of Builders: Tract, Spec and Custom There are three business models that most residential home builders choose from: tract, spec and custom. Each of these models offer different benefits and drawbacks for new construction home-buyers to consider. I’ve classified the builders in the Valley as either tract, spec or custom, […]

New Construction, Day 5

DAY 5 FRIDAY’S OBJECTIVE: Go Check Out the New Construction Inventory Pick 2 builders from the Tract and Spec categories and tour their inventory. Ideally you will do this on the weekend in hopes of catching the builder’s sales representative in the home. Ask lots of questions here is a list of a few to consider: […]

Business Plan, Day 4

DAY 4 Thursday Objective:  Applying Specific Strategies for each Priority Now that you have identified your Top 3 priorities for the Year, it’s time to implement 5 strategies per priority that will help you reach your goal.   Example Priority: Maximize your efforts on Social Media. What are 5 strategies for this priority that you can […]

Open Houses, Day 5

DAY 5 Friday’s Objective: Ensure that you are prepared to host your first Open House and know how to properly follow up with leads! Conducting a successful open house is all about the details. The experience you offer visitors during the open house is an audition of your skills and professionalism. Please be mindful of […]

Networking, Day 1

Weekly Objective: Embrace the idea that in order to be successful in real estate you must be constantly networking! Unlike traditional 9 to 5 jobs it is important to realize that some of your best income opportunities will be derived from the social situations you are actively engaged in such as kids sporting events, community […]

Networking, Day 2

DAY 2: Tuesday Objective: Meet Someone New! For me, one of the things that seems to work well is handing out my card to everyone I meet. I have handed out cards in every situation, at church, at the bank, at the gas station, in the grocery store, in other words literally everywhere. If you […]

Networking, Day 3

DAY 3: Wednesday Objective: Explore joining a networking group. The real question about joining a networking group is what is the return on investment of your time? In order to have a networking group pay off you need to establish yourself as the ‘go-to’ real estate expert. If participating in a networking group is interesting […]

Networking, Day 4

DAY 4: Thursday Objective: Social Groups, Volunteering, Church Groups Social Group: Another great way to increase your sphere is to join a Social Group checkout https://www.meetup.com. Volunteer and Church Group: In addition to the good you can do for your community, volunteering and serving in your church is a great way to get to know new […]