Entries by R Steven

Industry Partners, Day 2

DAY 2 Tuesday’s Objective: Finding 2 to 3 lenders Some buyers you work with will already have a lender/loan officer in place prior to contacting you – but many, especially first-time home buyers – look to you for a recommendation. Building trust with a lender will help ensure that your clients are in good hands and […]

Industry Partners, Day 3

DAY 3 Wednesday’s Objective: Identify 2 home inspectors you would like to work with. You can always have a go-to home inspector, but it’s good to have more than one option in the queue, especially during the spring and summer when business picks up and inspectors get busy. You want your home inspector to be […]

Industry Partners, Day 4

DAY 4 Thursday’s Objective: Learn more about your marketing options. You’ll use print materials as a Realtor® – open house or listing flyers, business cards, postcards or other mailers, etc. Silvercreek® Realty Group has partnered with a few companies to help agents with their marketing needs. Also reach out to lenders as some are willing […]

Using the Facebook Pixel

💥POWER OF THE PIXEL💥 Do not lose out on leads and money by not using it. I am sure by now you have heard someone talk about the Facebook (FB) pixel. Whether it be from someone using it, someone asking about it, or various marketing experts talking about it. All of this attention is with […]


Notes from our fearless leader, Krista Deacon   July 25, 2019 What is covered in the new July 2019 License Law book? Half of the book is the law, and the other half are the Guidelines. I suggest you take a look and read through those to gain more clarity so we can do our […]

Using Facebook Live for Real Estate Marketing

Ideas for how to use Facebook Live for your real estate marketing needs: 1) Virtual Showings: Having a tough time coordinating with a buyer’s schedule? Do you want to showcase your listings in a creative way? Maybe you just want to give your Facebook friends an inside look into the house hunting process? Take your […]

Sales Tips (Updated Frequently)

SALES TIP:  Hot off the press. This report doesn’t exist anywhere else. Any guesses how many people surrendered their drivers license and got an Idaho license last year, 2017? Who are the top 3 contributing states? How old are they? #1 California at 11,120 (most are between the ages of 21-40) #2 Washington 2,481 (most […]


Let’s chat about the ins and outs of new construction. Here’s this week’s plan: Monday:   Guide to New Construction, Part 1 Tuesday:   Guide to New Construction, Part 2 Wednesday:   New Construction Hurdles Thursday:   Learning About the 3 Types of Builders Friday:   Tours DAY 1 MONDAY’S OBJECTIVE:  Guide to New Construction (part 1) It’s no secret that […]


Are you using the resources Silvercreek offers? This week we dive into navigating the Toolbox and how you can get the most use out of it!  This Week’s Plan: Monday:   Navigating the Toolbox & Other Resources Tuesday:   Resources Tab Wednesday:   Your Account Tab Thursday:   Marketing and Social Tabs Friday:   Other Tabs ​ DAY 1 MONDAY’S […]


“Feeling guilty about not prospecting takes more energy than the actual prospecting” This Week’s Plan: Monday:   Introduction; Scripts to Dialogues Calling Makes a Difference; Tips on working with Buyers and Prospecting Tuesday:   Six Steps to Effective Prospecting Wednesday:   Everything You Need to Know for Effective Roll Playing Thursday:   Leading Questions & Qualifying Questions; Test Closings […]