Scripts, Day 3

DAY 3 Wednesday Objective: Everything You Need to Know for Effective…

Networking, Day 3

DAY 3: Wednesday Objective: Explore joining a networking group. The…

Scripts, Day 4

DAY 4 Thursday Objective:​​​ Leading Questions & Qualifying…

Networking, Day 4

DAY 4: Thursday Objective: Social Groups, Volunteering, Church…

Networking, Day 5

DAY 5: Friday Objective: Learn how to have a successful client…

Working with Sellers, Day 5

DAY 5 Friday's Objective: Nuts and bolts of putting the home…

Social Media, Day 1

Weekly Objective: Maximizing your online reach for minimal cost. Monday: Setting…

Social Media, Day 2

DAY 2: Tuesday's Objective: Creating a cohesive online presence. If…

Social Media, Day 3

DAY 3: Wednesday's Objective: Creating a landing page and discussing…

Social Media, Day 4

DAY 4 Thursday's Objective: Social Media Tips Use the 80/20 rule…