Live Stream – Virtual Meeting | Digital Marketing & Social Media w/ Liz Comer | LINKEDIN | FREE

Event Details

  • Date:

Marketing can be expensive, but it doesn’t have to be. Join Liz Comer for a three-month series on digital marketing. Grow your business from scratch or enhance your already high functioning marketing efforts by exploring new platforms. This is designed for both new-to-industry and seasoned agents.

Register below and join the class online using the following link:  (join on the web)

June – The need-to-knows

June 2: Overview of the Silvercreek Marketing Catalog & Defining your ideal target market

June 9: Websites: Boomtown, kvCore, and the concept of funneling

June 16: Email marketing and the Silvercreek Tribune Newsletter

June 23: What is SEO // Blogging – is it worth your time?

July – Social Media

July 7: Facebook

July 14: Instagram

July 21: LinkedIn

July 28: Youtube

August – A deeper dive into effective marketing

August 4: Editorial planning; marketing with intention

August 11: Writing copy and strong messaging

August 18: Branding yourself – what does that mean?

August 25: The marketing trifecta – presenting your portfolio


Bookings are no longer available for this event.