Working with Sellers | Mackenzie Miller | Free | Meridian Classroom + Live Stream


10am-11am MST

Live in the Meridian classroom or live stream at

As a real estate agent, learning how to prospect, convert, and work with Sellers is fundamental to your success. This class will offer you the tools you need to complete: an initial phone call from a prospective seller, putting together a listing presentation, understanding components of the listing presentation meeting, tips on how to prep a home for the market, and the nuts & bolts of getting your listing live. Taught by a seasoned agent, this information will prepare you for a positive listing and a higher ratio of closed listings!



Mackenzie is a REALTOR® and the team leader of Meridian Boise Real Estate (MBRE). Her journey in real estate is centered around contributing positively to the industry, supporting other real estate professionals in their businesses, and of course, serving the needs of her buyers and sellers. She is a committed wife and mother to her three young children and is passionate about leading the way for a strong community and industry for all involv


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