Social Media, Day 1

Weekly Objective: Maximizing your online reach for minimal cost.

Monday: Setting Up Social Media Accounts

Tuesday: Creating a Cohesive Online Presence

Wednesday: Landing Page & Let’s Chat Websites

Thursday: Social Media Tips

Friday: Social Media Scheduling

Online, Mobile, and Social Media… Like it or not, it’s a necessary part of business nowadays. Millennial’s comprise the largest segment of home buyers, and it’s no secret that they spend a bulk of their time online and on their phones. Other generations have also bought into using mobile/online for home searches:

  • 95% of buyers use the web in their home buying process.
  • Almost 60% of buyers search online/via mobile prior to contacting a real estate agent.
  • Last year, 14% of buyers found their agent using mobile apps, and 58% found their home using apps.

Whether you want to work with buyers or sellers, it’s important to have an online presence. A strong online presence:

  • helps buyers find you
  • adds to your value proposition when working with sellers, since strong online presence = their home reaches more potential buyers.

DAY 1:

Monday’s Objective: Setting up your social media accounts.

Why spend time on social media?

  • Crazy brand exposure
  • Earn client trust
  • Build a peer network
  • Unforgettable customer service
  • Establish your expertise

On social media, you should focus on building relationships and gaining fans. See it as a “you’ve got a friend in me” opportunity. Home buyers/sellers want to feel like they can trust their agent and social media can help you build that trust. Today, we’re going to focus more on setting up your social profiles and later this week we will dive into what to post and how to build engagement.


Facebook is the most widely used social media platform with over 221 million users in the US alone.

Why create a business Facebook page and not use your personal page?

  • It adds separation to your personal and professional life – plus it adds to your professionalism and credibility
  • Insights – you can see your post reach (how many people see it) and the demographics of those people
  • The ability to boost posts and create ads (higher reach)
  • Customize your tabs (later in your career, you can add a listings tab that connects to your IDX, embed components of a website, etc)

Setting up your Facebook business page:

Include your full brokerage in your business page name (ex. Aaron Doughty at Silvercreek Realty Group). This keeps you in compliance with IREC.

  • Include your contact information
  • Add a professional-looking headshot as your profile picture
  • Add it as your workplace on your personal profile. Under “Work” you can tag your professional page under “Company”.
  • Write a concise statement in the Facebook “About” section (ex. Aaron Doughty is the Owner and an Associate Managing Broker of Silvercreek Realty Group.)
  • Add content to it. You don’t want to invite people to like an empty page. Add a few posts to it first. An easy way to start out is to go to the Content Corner of Boi Realtors.
  • Invite all your Facebook friends to like the page


If you already have a Twitter account, you can simply add something like “REALTOR for Silvercreek Realty Group” into your blurb.

If you do not have a Twitter account, set one up. Make sure to include your brokerage name somewhere on your profile (most agents add it in their blurb or as their header photo.)

  • Follow influencers and others in the industry or related industries.
  • Follow local companies or businesses that you like.
  • Follow local news organizations.
  • Find and follow people in your sphere.


LinkedIn is all about professional networking. It’s career-focused, and articles/items shared come from a career-learning standpoint, business-oriented standpoint.

If you do not have a LinkedIn profile, it is a bit of a process to fully get it up-to-snuff. You’ll include detailed education information, past work history, current work, your skills and company interests, etc.

If you do have LinkedIn – update it to let your sphere know about your new real estate career! (Be sure to include “Silvercreek Realty Group” to be in compliance with IREC.)

Add connections – community and business partners, fellow Silvercreek agents, other local agents, everyone else in your sphere.

Action Items:

  1. Create a Facebook business page (mandatory)
  2. Create/Update your Twitter account
  3. Create/update your LinkedIn
