New Construction, Day 2

DAY 2 TUESDAY'S OBJECTIVE:  Guide to New Construction (part…

New Construction, Day 3

DAY 3 WEDNESDAY'S OBJECTIVE:  New Construction Hurdles Today…

New Construction, Day 4

DAY 4 THURSDAY'S OBJECTIVE:  The 3 Types of Builders: Tract,…

New Construction, Day 5

DAY 5 FRIDAY'S OBJECTIVE: Go Check Out the New Construction…

71 – 100 Day Plan – Complete

  Congrats! 100 Day Action Plan Complete

Open Houses, Day 5

DAY 5 Friday's Objective: Ensure that you are prepared to host…

Networking, Day 1

Weekly Objective: Embrace the idea that in order to be successful…

Networking, Day 2

DAY 2: Tuesday Objective: Meet Someone New! For me, one of…

Networking, Day 3

DAY 3: Wednesday Objective: Explore joining a networking group. The…

Networking, Day 4

DAY 4: Thursday Objective: Social Groups, Volunteering, Church…